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Fan Newsletter

Playbook Tactic

What to expect

Open the Email Builder and select the Newsletter template (or build your newsletter from scratch)

Replace the placeholder images and copy with your own personalized content

Select your target audience

Send your newsletter or schedule it for later

How it works

01. Create your email 

Keep in touch with your fans through engaging newsletters

The Tools

Step-by-Step Guide

Deeper fan connections

Higher engagement rates

Increased sales and streams

02. Learn from the data

We’re sure you know how important it is to keep your fans up to date with news about your music. They want to hear all about your new releases, upcoming concerts and behind-the-scenes insights. But the algorithms on Facebook and other social media sites can be unstable and sometimes, important information gets lost in the shuffle. That’s why we think newsletters are so essential for independent promotion of your music—because they are 100% under your control!

In this guide, we’re going to share our tips on how to use Bandsintown's Email Builder & Fan Manager tools to create and manage a newsletter that will help you reach your most important fans.

Visit the Campaigns section of your Artist Dashboard to view the open rate and clickthrough rate for your email.

  • If your open rate is low, try experimenting with more inviting subject lines.

  • If your clickthrough rate is low, try including different types of content or more obvious calls to action.

Pro tip: Give some thought to how frequently you want to email your fans. It's important to strike a good balance by keeping them engaged without coming on too strong. Go with what feels right to you.

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