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The Goal

After decades in the game, Lil Wayne has built up a strong following and wanted to drive awareness among them for his 2023 Tha Carter Tour across the U.S. and Canada in partnership with Rolling Loud. 

フローレンス + マシン

フローレンス + ザ マシーンは、ドラマチックでエキセントリックなプロダクションと強力なボーカルで知られる、グラミー賞にノミネートされたイギリスのインディー ロック バンドです。このバンドは 2007 年の結成以来、グラストンベリーなどの象徴的なフェスティバルでヘッドライナーを務め、U2 などの伝説的なアーティストとツアーを行ってきました。 


The Play

Wayne and his team used the Email Builder to create and send a free email to all of his followers. The campaign drove traffic to the customized Widget on his website, where fans could easily find all of his tour dates and opt-in to receive future alerts.

The Results

The email was delivered to 844k followers and was opened by over half of its recipients resulting in a 64.5% unique open rate. With 16.9k unique clicks on the email, in just 4 days the campaign drove 557.2k ticket clicks, in addition to driving the traffic to the Widget helping the tour sell out. 


He also gained 15.1k new fan opt-ins, 43k total RSVPs, and 38.5k new followers.

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