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The Goal

Ahead of an upcoming European tour, the band wanted to amplify awareness for a few key dates in specific territories and grow their email list in those areas for future marketing.

フローレンス + マシン

フローレンス + ザ マシーンは、ドラマチックでエキセントリックなプロダクションと強力なボーカルで知られる、グラミー賞にノミネートされたイギリスのインディー ロック バンドです。このバンドは 2007 年の結成以来、グラストンベリーなどの象徴的なフェスティバルでヘッドライナーを務め、U2 などの伝説的なアーティストとツアーを行ってきました。 


The Play

Big Thief sent a series of geo-targeted Posts driving traffic to their Smart Link to their Bandsintown followers in Belgium, Germany, Norway, Sweden and France. Their customized Smart Link not only featured all of their tour dates so fans could buy tickets, but also had been enabled to collect email addresses for fans who wanted to share them.

The Results

Not only was the group able to boost visibility for their tour dates, but they also received more than 2,000 email opt-ins from from fans in geo-targeted areas, giving them premium access to their fans for future marketing campaigns.

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