By keeping your events up to date on Bandsintown, you can make it easy for fans to discover them and buy tickets across multiple Apple services.
Fans can easily see your upcoming events when they Shazam your music or search for venues you’re playing on Apple Maps, listen to your set lists on Apple Music, and more.
Connect more fans to your events & tickets
How it works
Here are the ways Bandsintown makes your shows discoverable across Apple services

Apple Music
Make noise about your upcoming shows and let fans relive their favorite live performances with Apple Music Set Lists. Learn more.

Apple Maps
Fans can find your shows by searching for venues you’ll be playing in Apple Maps and explore event information, get tickets, and add the event to their calendars. Learn more.

Spotlight Search
Upcoming event dates and dedicated concert pages will show up in the Concerts section when fans search for select artist names using Apple Spotlight Search. Learn more.

When fans Shazam your music, search for you, or browse the Concerts page, they can see upcoming event and venue information, buy tickets, add events to their calendars, save events, and stream tracks to get ready for the show. Learn more.
Artist Setup Guide
01. Log in and add the URL of your Apple Music artist page (where can I can find this?) from Profile > Links

02. Add your shows from the Events tab if they haven’t already been added by your ticketing partner

03. See your events listed on Apple Maps and Shazam and available to create Set Lists from on Apple Music (may take up to 24 hours)

Want to learn more? Visit the help center